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Health Equity

Because we view health as a fundamental human right, ScionHealth is committed to eliminating any inequities in the care we provide to the communities we serve.


Health equity, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is the state in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health. Achieving this, per the CDC, requires ongoing societal efforts to:

  • Address historical and contemporary injustices;
  • Overcome economic, social, and other obstacles to health and health care; and
  • Eliminate preventable health disparities.

Health Equity is a priority at each of ScionHealth’s community hospitals and specialty hospitals across the country. In fact, equitable care is one of the six pillars of the ScionHealth National Quality Strategy.


Each of our hospitals works with their unique communities to identify and address health disparities so that everyone has access to health services and some of the basic needs essential to health equity such as food, shelter, and transportation. Our facilities form a health equity committee that includes hospital and community leadership and also dedicate staff to the initiative. We constantly seek information from patients and community partners to help identify and address social determinants of health. And, we monitor each hospital’s health equity progress through the company’s national quality program.